Saturday, April 27, 2013


I haven't written in awhile, I guess I am not sure what to write.  I still am not doing very well.  Night time is still a struggle for me.  But it seems like the littlest thing can set me off and I will be crying.  I still cry all the time and lately I have been feeling so alone.  I guess it is because not many people ask to see how we are doing any more.  I mean I am sure people care, it is just that they moved on with their lives and I guess I haven't.  How can I?  I mean I lost my precious baby.  I just want to scream that numerous times a day.  I hope that those who are truely my friends will stick by me through all this.  I know I have not been a good friend, but I am doing the best I can.  Most of the time I am in a dark place and I am just trying to get through the day.  Being depressed and grieving is extremely exhausting.  I try to be happy for Olivia, but it is super hard sometimes.  I am finding myself getting frustrated with her again super easy.  I just don't know what to do.  We are trying so hard to have another baby, but it seems like my body isn't cooperating.  I will probably end up calling the doctor again to see what the next step is.  I am sure he is tired of hearing from me, but until I get a baby in my arms I am going to be calling.

Living without Asher is so hard.  I still try to visit him almost everyday.  And since it is coming up on Memorial Day and his one year birthday it will be so hard for me to cope.  I really wanted a baby in my arms by the time Asher turned one.  But I guess that was not in the plans for me.  People ask how I am doing, and I say ok when really I am dying inside.  I want to tell them how I really am, but I'm sure they don't want to hear it.  I feel like people look at me and think there is that lady who lost her baby.  And when I think that it makes me feel like it was my fault.  Sometimes I still feel like it was, but I know there was nothing I could have done, because if there was Asher would be here.  I miss him so much.  He has a part of my heart with him in heaven because it is gone now.

I am tired of daily life, it is so pointless most of the time.  I get up and go for Olivia she is all I have.  I know I need to stay here for her even when I don't want to.  I just hope someday she gets to experience having the sibling to grow up with that I never had.  She is going to be three in a couple weeks and it makes me upset because she is supposed to have a brother here.  They were supposed to be close in age.  If I ever get pregnant again she is going to be almost four by the time the next baby gets here.

It has been hard for me to pray again lately.  I feel like I am just saying empty words.  I am praying so hard to get pregnant and nothing is happening.  Where are you God and why aren't you listening to me?  I need to have something to hold onto and look forward too.  Something that gets me out of bed in the morning.  I want to be pregnant so I have a reason to take care of myself.  Why can't this happen for me?  I am angry and want to scream at God for many many reasons.  I know he can take it, but at the same time I feel like if I am angry with Him then He is never going to answer my prayers.  It upsets me that all these people are getting pregnant unplanned and I am working my butt off to try and get pregnant and nothing is happening.  I am charting and planning out everything and it is all for nothing.  I am tired of it.  I am trying to relax and be less stressed but it is so hard when the thing you wanted most was taken away from you. 

I just don't know what to do anymore.  Everything is so hard and not getting any easier.  Right now I am not agreeing with the time heals all things.  I think it is a sham.

Someone Is Missing
Someone is missing from our dinner table,
from our bedroom and our home.
Someone is missing from holiday celebrations,
family vacations and everywhere in between.
Someone is missing from our lives,
Our littlest one is gone.
He will not have birthday parties, graduations, or celebrations.
We will miss him throughout eternity
and our family will never be complete.
Someone is missing, yet we go on.
Our lives are touched by him.
Changed forever by his brief existence.
His memory we keep alive.
He lives only in our hearts and minds,
We were blessed by his short life.
Our love for him forever strong.
Even though...someone will always be...MISSING.
- D. Lutz

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