Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pennies from Heaven

Every night I talk to my sweet Asher before bed.  I tell him how much I love him and miss him.  And lately I have been asking him for strength to get through the next few weeks which are going to be so hard for us.  I can't believe he would have been eleven months old this past week.  The time has gone too fast and yet it seems like a long time ago that I got to hold him in my arms.  I didn't want to say goodbye to him because I never really got to say hello.  I miss him so so much.  Oh how my life would be different if he were here.  When I talk to him I also always tell him to take care of Olivia and to watch out for her and keep her safe.  And at the very end I always ask him to send me a sign that he is thinking of us and a sign that everything will be ok.  Today we got that sign.


To you it may just look like an ordinary penny.  But to our family finding a penny on the ground now means something much more.  A few weeks after Asher's death my mom sent me this poem which now holds so much meaning over our family.  We never look at that penny on the ground the same way.  Today Olivia and I found this penny in the parking lot on the way to swimming lessons.  I believe it was Asher's sign that he is thinking of us and that everything will be alright.  I have to have faith right?  Here is the poem:

"Pennies from Heaven"
I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground.
But it's not just a penny
This little coin I've found.

Found pennies come from heaven
that's what my Grandpa told me.
He said Angels tossed them down
Oh, how I loved that story!

He said when an Angel misses you
They toss a penny down,
sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown.

So don't pass by that penny
When you're feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.

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